Rules etc
Juniors 2025 > Junior Rules etc.

1a Entry is open to all ELGA juniors under 18 years of age on 1st January preceding the competition who are members of an association golf club with a WHS handicap.
1b Entry will also be allowed to any Non ELGA players who are members of a bonified golf club with official active handicap and with the same age restrictions as mentioned above however the Championship Trophies are soley for ELGA members. Winning visitors will receive vouchers.
2. The competition is stroke play over 18 holes and the Junior Champions are the competitors returning the best gross and best Nett scores.
3. In the event of a tie the result will be decided as in Regulation 6 of the Lancashire Union of Golf Club's Regulations for Competitions.
4. This is both a GROSS & NETT competition and players off 28 or Less Handicap will play from the WHITE competition Tees.
5. Juniors with an handicap of 29 or more shall play off the RED / JUNIOR BLOCKS
Maximum handicap is 36 for both Boys & Girls . Girls will get handicap adjustments in line with slope indexes and course ratings. ( White to Red Bocks).
6. No player shall win more than ONE prize.
7. Prizes awarded for: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, Best Gross & 1st. 2nd, 3rd, Best Nett. (Depending on entries)
No competitor can win more than one prize.
8. Close relatives will not be permitted as caddies , tender advice will not be allowed and at all times, relatives must remain some distance away from the player in question.
9. On completion of each round of a competition the Player and his playing Partner/s must return together to the Competition Officials Desk and check their score cards with the Officials before they are signed and handed in. Any discrepancies or items of contention shall be sorted out at that point prior to the cards being submitted.