Rules etc
Juniors 2023 > L.ancs Assoc. Juniors

These team events started in 2018 to replace the LUGC Scratch League Team Events in order to introduce a preferred playing field by utilising NETT SCORES in lieu of GROSS SCORES due to the large variances between our associations playing qualities.
IN 2018 the L.A. TEAM TROPHY was introduced to be played on alternative 18 Hole courses throughout the association members clubs.
The TEAM TROPHY MATCH will comprise of 6 Team Playing Members selected on each of each Member Associations terms, to play against all other association teams for an overall team prize plus individual Nett & Gross prizes. - There will be a limiting handicap set by the association committee.
In 2023 a Gross Team Award will be introduced to compliment the Major Nett Trophy.
ELGA JUNIORS will compete in the L.A.NORTHERN CHAMPIONSHIP that includes EAST LANCS, NORTH LANCS & FYLDE ASSOCIATIONS. that generally will be used as a qualififier for the TEAM TROPHY EVENT.
The ELGA Team will compise of 10 Players who will compete for the 6 available team positions in the L.A. TEAM TROPHY Event.
Format is strokeplay and both girls & boys play to the WHS slope references etc.
ELGA PLAYER Selection for the TEAM TROPHY Event will be chosen from the best 2 Nett Scores, The best 2 Gross Scores and 2 by organisers choice from the Northern event.
( Subject to potential COVID 19 Restrictions and ELGA player availability- The Organisers have the right to adjust the selection procedure if entry number for the Northern event is less than 10)
ELGA players with a WHS handicap need to apply for condsideration whereby the best 10 entrants plus 2 Reserves will be chosen to participate.
The selection process will depend on numbers of players registering for the matches either by availability and low handicap selection.
Selected reserves for the Northern Event will play on the day against other association reserves.
Interested Players to contact
Mike Taylor - 07849 606120
E Mail :- mikejtaylor14@gmail,com
Robert Harrison - 07932 756091
E Mail-