Rules of the Association
ADULT GOLF 2023 > Rules & Regulations

1. The Association shall be called "THE EAST LANCASHIRE GOLF ASSOCIATION".
2. The objects of the Association are to uphold the Rules of the Game of golf as at present adopted by the Royal and Ancient Golf Club, St. Andrew's; to arrange Inter-Club Competitions; and to advance the interests of golf generally.
3. The Association shall consist of a maximum of 24 properly constituted Golf Clubs of East Lancashire.
Application for Membership
4. Any Golf Club in East Lancashire may, at any time, make application in writing by its Secretary, to become affiliated to the East Lancashire Golf Association. Such application shall be sent to the Secretary of the Association, accompanied by a copy of the Rules of the Club and by a copy of the Minute authorising the application, and shall by him be laid before the Council of the Association for consideration.
5. The Governing Body of the Association shall be styled the Council, and shall consist of the Officers and Executive Committee of the Association and two representatives of each affiliated Club.
6. The OffIcers shall consist of a President, all the past Presidents, a Secretary (who shall also act as Treasurer) and an Assistant Secretary. The President, Secretary and Assistant Secretary shall be elected each year at the Annual General Meeting, but no
person shall be eligible to serve as President for more than two years. No person may be elected unless his Nomination in writing, has been received by the Secretary not later than the 31st of January before the Annual General Meeting and such Nomination has been approved by the Executive Committee.
7. a) There shall be an Executive Committee, consisting of the Officers and nine others, who shall be elected by the Council. Three members of the Committee shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting each year and shall serve for a period of three years, and
shall be eligible for re-election. Five members of the Committee shall form a quorum.
b) No person shall be eligible for election as a member of the Committee unless a written nomination containing his name and address and the name of his Golf Club
shall be received by the Secretary before the 31st day of January preceding the date of the Annual General Meeting. The nomination shall be signed by a proposer and seconder (who shall be full male members of a Golf Club in the Association) and shall contain their full names and addresses. It shall also contain a declaration signed by the candidate declaring his willingness to be a candidate for election. This rule shall not apply to retiring members of the committee seeking re-election.
c) The Executive Committee shall have power to elect a person to fill any casual vacancy occurring at any time and the person so elected by the Committee shall serve until the next Annual General Meeting when he shall retire but shall be eligible for re-election.
Annual Meeting
8. The Annual General Meeting shall be held on a date early in March in each year.
Fourteen days notice of the meeting shall be given.
Special Meeting
9. A Special Meeting of the Council may be convened at any time by the Secretary, or on written request by three Clubs of the Association. Fourteen days notice of the business to be transacted at such meeting shall be given to the Clubs of the Association, and no other business shall be considered except with the consent of the majority of the members present.
Subscriptions and Entrance Fee
10. The Annual Subscription of each 18 hole or 9 hole shall be set at the AGM each year. All subscriptions shall be due on the 1st May in each year and clubs shall not be allowed to take part in any event when its subscriptions are in arrears.
11. The Secretary shall keep in a book correct minutes of the proceedings of the Council and of the Executive Committee, and shall produce such book at all Meetings thereof.
He shall summon all Meetings of the Council and of the Executive Committee, and shall prepare and forward copies of the Financial Statement (duly audited) to the Secretary of each Affi liated Club, at least fourteen days before the Annual General Meeting. He shall enrol Clubs in membership and give all notices required by the Rules for the time being. He shall also receive and dispose of, according to the instructions of the Council, all monies received and paid by the Association; and shall generally act in accordance with the instructions of the Council.
12. No Rule of the Association shall be repealed or altered, and no new Rule shall be made, save by a majority of two-thirds of the Members present at any meeting of the Council, and one month's notice of such proposed alteration or addition shall be given to each of the Associated Clubs.
13. The members of the Executive Committee of the Association, the Captain, and Hon. Secretary of each Club in the Association, and the holder for the time being of the Association's Scratch Medal, and the winner of the Harold Ryden Trophy shall be entitled to the Courtesy of the Green from all Clubs in the Association.
14. Members of Clubs affiliated to the Association shall be entitled on payment of the usual Green Fees, and on observation of the regulations affecting Visitors, to play on the Links of the various Clubs without introduction by a Club Member.