Main menu
1 Blackburn 379
2 Accrington 392
3 Burnley 404
Wilpshire 404
5 Pleasington 405
6 Great Harwood 413
7 Nelson 420
8 Rossendale 425
9 Colne 430
10 Burnley Glen View 439
1908 at HAPTON
1 Burnley 341
2 Blackburn 342
3 Great Harwood 352
4 Nelson 356
5 Pleasington 363
6 Rossendale 369
Wilpshire 369
8 Colne 371
9 Accrington 373
10 Burnley Glen View 388
1 Pleasington 322
2 Burnley 333
3 Blackburn 334
4 Great Harwood 346
5 Nelson 354
6 Accrington 358
7 Burnley Glen View 361
8 Rossendale 363
9 Colne 376
10 Wilpshire 380
1910 at COLNE
1 Pleasington 330
2 Blackburn 335
3 Burnley 339
4 Accrington 349
5 Rossendale 350
6 Wilpshire 351
7 Colne 352
8 Great Harwood 355
9 Nelson 364
10 Burnley Glen View 377
1 Blackburn 320
2 Great Harwood 327
3 Accrington 336
Wilpshire 336
5 Pleasington 337
6 Burnley 338
Rossendale 338
8 Darwen 345
9 Colne 348
10 Burnley Glen View 358
11 Nelson 371
1 Blackburn 345
2 Accrington 355
3 Rossendale 366
4 Pleasington 369
5 Wilpshire 372
6 Darwen 373
7 Burnley 375
8 Great Harwood 393
9 Colne 396
10 Nelson 414
11 Burnley Glen View did not compete
1913 at NELSON
1 Pleasington 338
2 Accrington 339
3 Blackburn 344
4 Nelson 349
5 Great Harwood 350
6 Burnley Glen View 356
7 Wilpshire 359
8 Colne 361
9 Darwen 363
10 Rossendale 373
1914 at DARWEN
1 Wilpshire 337
Blackburn 337
3 Accrington 342
4 Darwen 344
5 Pleasington 349
6 Great Harwood 354
7 Rossendale 356
8 Burnley Glen View 360
9 Colne 361
10 Nelson 379
1 Blackburn 361
2 Wilpshire 363
3 Pleasington 365
4 Accrington 370
5 Great Harwood 372
6 Baxenden 379
7 Rossendale 380
8 Darwen 383
9 Colne 390
10 Whalley 398
Burnley Glen View 398
12 Clitheroe 411
Colne St. Andrews 411
14 Nelson 414
1 Pleasington 369
2 Blackburn 373
3 Rossendale 377
4 Accrington 382
Wilpshire 382
6 Whalley 389
7 Nelson 391
8 Colne 392
9 Burnley Glen View 398
10 Darwen 404
11 Baxenden 414
12 Enfi eld 415
13 Clitheroe 416
14 Colne St. Andrews 420
1921 at BURNLEY
1 Wilpshire 320
2 Pleasington 321
3 Blackburn 327
4 Accrington 328
5 Rossendale 342
6 Nelson 343
7 Burnley Glen View 347
8 Colne 349
9 Darwen 354
10 Whalley 364
11 Baxenden 371
12 Bacup 383
13 Enfi eld 385
14 Colne St. Andrews 386
Clitheroe did not compete
1 Accrington 321
2 Blackburn 324
3 Pleasington 334
4 Colne 342
5 Nelson 343
6 Whalley 344
Wilpshire 344
8 Darwen 347
9 Burnley 350
10 Clitheroe 354
11 Rossendale 362
12 Bacup 369
13 Baxenden 373
14 Colne St. Andrews 378
15 Enfi eld 399
1923 at NELSON
1 Pleasington 342
2 Accrington 350
3 Rossendale 355
4 Nelson 360
5 Clitheroe 361
6 Burnley 362
7 Blackburn 364
Darwen 364
Wilpshire 364
10 Colne 367
11 Great Harwood 373
12 Whalley 387
13 Enfi eld 391
14 Bacup 396
15 Baxenden 398
16 Colne St. Andrews 399
17 Green Haworth did not compete
1 Pleasington 311
2 Accrington 313
3 Blackburn 321
Rossendale 321
5 Wilpshire 324
6 Burnley 332
7 Great Harwood 334
8 Colne 336
Whalley 336
10 Clitheroe 343
11 Nelson 344
Darwen 344
13 Pendle Forest 345
14 Enfi eld 349
15 Colne St. Andrews 356
16 Baxenden 358
Green Haworth 358
18 Bacup 360
1925 at WHALLEY
1 Pleasington 319
2 Rossendale 329
3 Accrington 334
Wilpshire 334
5 Blackburn 338
Burnley 338
Nelson 338
8 Great Harwood 342
9 Baxenden 347
Whalley 347
11 Colne 353
Enfi eld 353
13 Clitheroe 356
Bacup 356
15 Colne St. Andrews 362
Darwen 362
17 Pendle Forest 364
18 Hapton 365
19 Green Haworth 386
1 Accrington 323
2 Rossendale 336
3 Nelson 341
Pleasington 341
5 Burnley 348
6 Whalley 351
7 Hapton 352
8 Colne 353
9 Blackburn 354
Enfi eld 354
11 Wilpshire 356
12 Darwen 358
13 Bacup 360
14 Clitheroe 362
15 Great Harwood 365
16 Green Haworth 366
17 Pendle Forest 368
18 Baxenden 372
19 Colne St. Andrews 380
1927 at COLNE
1 Pleasington 322
2 Wilpshire 335
3 Preston 336
4 Accrington 337
Bacup 337
6 Rossendale 338
7 Clitheroe 339
8 Whalley 342
9 Burnley 343
10 Colne 346
11 Darwen 349
12 Blackburn 351
13 Hapton 354
Pendle Forest 354
15 Baxenden 355
16 Great Harwood 357
17 Enfi eld 358
18 Green Haworth 363
19 Nelson 370
20 Colne St. Andrews 375
1928 at DARWEN
1 Pleasington 323
2 Accrington 328
3 Preston 329
4 Burnley 336
5 Bacup 341
6 Nelson 343
7 Wilpshire 344
8 Enfi eld 345
9 Blackburn 346
10 Darwen 348
11 Hapton 349
12 Colne 351
13 Great Harwood 352
14 Clitheroe 355
Rossendale 355
16 Baxenden 359
17 Pendle Forest 362
18 Whalley 363
19 Green Haworth 368
20 Colne St. Andrews 372
1929 at BURNLEY
1 Pleasington* 332
Wilpshire 332
3 Burnley 334
Preston 334
Whalley 334
6 Enfi eld 340
7 Bacup 344
8 Accrington 346
9 Blackburn 347
Colne 347
Rossendale 347
12 Nelson 350
13 Darwen 351
14 Chorley 356
Hapton 356
16 Pendle Forest 366
17 Great Harwood 369
18 Baxenden 371
Green Haworth 371
20 Colne St. Andrews 372
21 Clitheroe 379
22 Rishton 389
*Winner on play-
1 Pleasington` 311
2 Whalley 317
3 Burnley 324
4 Preston 327
5 Wilpshire 328
6 Hapton 329
7 Accrington 331
8 Nelson 341
9 Enfi eld 342
Colne 342
11 Rossendale 343
12 Clitheroe 344
Bacup 344
Blackburn 344
15 Baxenden 347
16 Pendle Forest 354
17 Green Haworth 357
18 Darwen 360
19 Colne St. Andrews 360
20 Great Harwood 362
21 Rishton 413
Chorley did not enter
1 Wilpshire 320
2 Burnley 324
3 Accrington 328
4 Pleasington 334
5 Preston 338
6 Clitheroe 343
7 Pendle Forest 348
8 Blackburn 349
Rossendale 349
10 Hapton 350
Bacup 350
12 Darwen 351
Whalley 351
14 Colne 353
15 Enfi eld 355
16 Nelson 357
17 Colne St. Andrews 358
18 Baxenden 360
19 Great Harwood 361
20 Green Haworth 372
21 Rishton 374
1932 at PRESTON
1 Wilpshire 320
2 Pleasington 321
3 Colne 330
4 Burnley 337
Preston 337
6 Blackburn 342
7 Darwen 345
8 Accrington 346
9 Clitheroe 348
10 Rossendale 349
11 Baxenden 350
12 Colne St. Andrews 351
Hapton 351
14 Nelson 354
15 Enfi eld 355
16 Whalley 356
17 Bacup 361
18 Green Haworth 363
19 Great Harwood 364
20 Rishton 366
21 Pendle Forest 368
1 Wilpshire 311
2 Blackburn 315
3 Colne 318
Pleasington 318
5 Accrington 319
6 Burnley 322
7 Clitheroe 323
Darwen 323
9 Rossendale 324
Bacup 324
11 Preston 325
12 Whalley 329
13 Nelson 331
14 Rishton 332
15 Enfi eld 335
16 Baxenden 336
17 Hapton 339
18 Pendle Forest 341
19 Colne St. Andrews 346
20 Great Harwood 352
21 Green Haworth 360
1934 at NELSON
1 Nelson 308
2 Wilpshire 310
Burnley 310
4 Pleasington 318
5 Accrington 319
6 Preston 320
7 Colne 322
8 Rishton 326
9 Clitheroe 331
10 Rossendale 334
Whalley 334
12 Blackburn 335
13 Hapton 339
Pendle Forest 339
15 Bacup 342
16 Darwen 343
Colne St. Andrews 343
18 Enfi eld 347
19 Great Harwood 359
Baxenden 359
21 Green Haworth 360
1 Burnley 310
2 Enfi eld 322
3 Accrington 324
Nelson 324
Wilpshire 324
6 Blackburn 325
7 Darwen 328
8 Clitheroe 330
9 Preston 331
10 Rishton 332
Bacup 332
Pleasington 332
13 Whalley 340
Colne 340
15 Rossendale 343
16 Pendle Forest 350
Colne St. Andrews 350
18 Baxenden 352
19 Great Harwood 353
20 Hapton 355
21 Green Haworth 359
1 Pleasington 325
2 Wilpshire 329
3 Blackburn 331
Burnley 331
5 Preston 336
6 Nelson 337
7 Accrington 340
8 Clitheroe 343
9 Rossendale 348
10 Colne 350
Rishton 350
12 Colne St. Andrews 352
13 Enfi eld 353
14 Hapton 354
15 Darwen 355
16 Bacup 356
Whalley 356
18 Great Harwood 365
19 Baxenden 368
20 Green Haworth 374
21 Pendle Forest 376
1 Pleasington 313
2 Burnley 315
3 Accrington 318
4 Hapton 329
5 Wilpshire 330
6 Blackburn 332
Darwen 332
8 Rossendale 334
9 Great Harwood 335
Nelson 335
Preston 335
12 Whalley 340
13 Colne St. Andrews 343
14 Clitheroe 346
Colne 346
16 Bacup 347
17 Rishton 349
18 Baxenden 353
19 Pendle Forest 356
20 Enfi eld 363
21 Green Haworth 364
1938 at WHALLEY
1 Hapton 312
2 Accrington 313
3 Whalley 318
4 Blackburn 321
5 Burnley 322
6 Nelson 326
Rossendale 326
8 Clitheroe 327
9 Green Haworth 329
Pleasington 329
Wilpshire 329
12 Great Harwood 333
13 Bacup 337
14 Colne St. Andrews 339
15 Darwen 341
16 Baxenden 343
17 Colne 344
Rishton 344
19 Pendle Forest 345
20 Enfi eld 355
1 Accrington 304
2 Wilpshire 306
3 Burnley 310
Pleasington 310
5 Darwen 321
Nelson 321
7 Blackburn 326
8 Clitheroe 333
Whalley 333
10 Hapton 334
Great Harwood 334
12 Rossendale 337
13 Rishton 340
14 Colne 344
15 Bacup 346
16 Baxenden 347
17 Green Haworth 348
18 Enfi eld 350
19 Colne St. Andrews 351
20 Pendle Forest 357
1 Accrington 308
2 Pleasington 313
3 Burnley 335
4 Wilpshire 340
5 Darwen 346
Rossendale 346
7 Blackburn 351
Whalley 351
9 Nelson 353
10 Colne St. Andrews 361
11 Great Harwood 363
12 Bacup 364
Clitheroe 364
14 Colne 370
15 Pendle Forest 376
16 Enfi eld 385
17 Baxenden 386
18 Green Haworth 393
1947 at DARWEN
1 Burnley 310
2 Darwen 312
Pleasington 312
4 Accrington 313
5 Blackburn 325
6 Wilpshire 327
7 Rossendale 333
Whalley 333
9 Clitheroe 343
Pendle Forest 343
11 Nelson 344
12 Bacup 346
13 Enfi eld 348
14 Rishton 349
15 Colne 352
16 Great Harwood 355
17 Baxenden 357
18 Green Haworth 368
Colne St. Andrews did not
1948 at BURNLEY
1 Accrington 302
2 Nelson 314
3 Pleasington 315
4 Wilpshire 316
5 Blackburn 319
6 Burnley 320
7 Colne 334
8 Darwen 336
Whalley 336
10 Pendle Forest 339
11 Rossendale 344
12 Bacup 346
13 Rishton 347
14 Clitheroe 354
15 Enfi eld 355
Great Harwood 355
17 Green Haworth 359
18 Baxenden 361
1 Accrington 313
2 Blackburn 316
3 Wilpshire 319
4 Great Harwood 326
5 Burnley 330
6 Colne 337
7 Pleasington 338
Whalley 338
9 Rossendale 341
10 Clitheroe 344
11 Bacup 346
12 Rishton 350
13 Darwen 351
Nelson 351
15 Green Haworth 354
16 Baxenden 365
1 Wilpshire 304
2 Colne 317
3 Accrington 319
Burnley 319
Pleasington 319
6 Blackburn 320
Nelson 320
8 Whalley 326
9 Darwen 330
10 Clitheroe 331
11 Rishton 334
12 Bacup 343
13 Green Haworth 351
Rossendale 351
15 Great Harwood 352
16 Baxenden 362
1951 at NELSON
1 Wilpshire 301
2 Whalley 307
3 Accrington 311
4 Burnley 314
Pleasington 314
6 Colne 318
Great Harwood 318
8 Nelson 319
9 Clitheroe 325
10 Blackburn 326
11 Preston 327
12 Rossendale 331
13 Darwen 333
Rishton 333
15 Towneley 335
16 Bacup 342
17 Green Haworth 347
18 Baxenden 353
1952 at COLNE
1 Accrington 305
2 Wilpshire 308
3 Nelson 319
4 Pleasington 321
Clitheroe 321
6 Preston 323
7 Burnley 325
8 Rishton 326
9 Rossendale 327
10 Colne 331
Whalley 331
12 Blackburn 332
13 Darwen 334
14 Baxenden 336
Great Harwood 336
16 Bacup 346
17 Towneley 356
18 Green Haworth 369
1 Accrington* 314
Burnley 314
2 Wilpshire 318
3 Nelson 321
4 Clitheroe 324
5 Shaw Hill 325
Blackburn 325
7 Pleasington 330
Whalley 330
Preston 330
10 Colne 333
11 Rishton 338
12 Great Harwood 344
13 Darwen 347
14 Green Haworth 349
15 Baxenden 351
16 Bacup 357
17 Rossendale 360
18 Towneley 367
*Winner after Play-
1954 at PRESTON
1 Accrington 306
2 Preston 314
3 Nelson 316
4 Shaw Hill 323
5 Blackburn 324
6 Burnley 327
7 Colne 330
8 Whalley 331
9 Wilpshire 332
10 Clitheroe 333
11 Pleasington 335
12 Great Harwood 338
13 Darwen 341
14 Rossendale 343
15 Rishton 351
16 Baxenden 353
17 Towneley 359
18 Bacup 365
19 Green Haworth 373
1 Accrington 306
2 Shaw Hill 313
3 Blackburn 314
4 Nelson 315
5 Wilpshire 315
6 Rishton 326
7 Clitheroe 328
8 Colne 328
9 Great Harwood 328
10 Preston 329
11 Pleasington 330
12 Rossendale 331
13 Whalley 332
14 Burnley 335
15 Baxenden 336
16 Bacup 339
17 Darwen 341
18 Green Haworth 362
19 Towneley 363
1 Darwen 304
2 Accrington 308
3 Nelson 311
4 Blackburn 314
5 Clitheroe 317
Shaw Hill 317
7 Preston 319
8 Wilpshire 321
9 Pleasington 324
Rossendale 324
11 Colne 328
Whalley 328
13 Baxenden 335
Great Harwood 335
15 Burnley 336
16 Rishton 338
17 Towneley 355
18 Bacup 365
19 Green Haworth 383
1 Accrington 311
2 Preston 313
3 Shaw Hill 323
Nelson 323
5 Burnley 325
Whalley 325
Wilpshire 325
8 Pleasington 327
9 Clitheroe 329
10 Darwen 337
11 Blackburn 340
12 Rishton 348
13 Colne 353
14 Great Harwood 359
Rossendale 359
16 Towneley 360
17 Baxenden 364
18 Green Haworth 367
19 Bacup N.R.
1958 at SHAW HILL
1 Accrington 316
2 Shaw Hill 317
Wilpshire 317
4 Preston 318
5 Nelson 319
6 Colne 324
7 Burnley 326
8 Pleasington 327
9 Whalley 329
Darwen 329
11 Blackburn 338
12 Clitheroe 341
13 Great Harwood 344
14 Rossendale 352
15 Baxenden 353
16 Rishton 357
17 Towneley 362
18 Bacup 367
19 Green Haworth 369
1959 at WHALLEY
1 Pleasington 309
2 Whalley 311
3 Blackburn 313
4 Darwen 315
5 Colne 316
Nelson 316
7 Burnley 317
8 Accrington 318
9 Clitheroe 319
10 Rossendale 321
Shaw Hill 321
12 Great Harwood 324
13 Preston 327
14 Wilpshire 330
15 Baxenden 331
16 Bacup 337
17 Rishton 339
18 Green Haworth 344
19 Towneley 356
1960 at DARWEN
1 Nelson 303
2 Shaw Hill 306
3 Preston 309
Great Harwood 309
5 Blackburn 311
Pleasington 311
Wilpshire 311
8 Darwen 313
9 Burnley 315
Rishton 315
11 Accrington 318
12 Whalley 325
13 Bacup 329
Rossendale 329
15 Towneley 330
16 Clitheroe 334
17 Green Haworth 336
18 Colne 338
19 Baxenden 344
1961 at BURNLEY
1 Shaw Hill 322
2 Pleasington 323
3 Burnley 325
Clitheroe 325
Darwen 325
Nelson 325
7 Great Harwood 328
8 Wilpshire 330
9 Rochdale 331
10 Preston 332
11 Blackburn 338
12 Rossendale 341
13 Accrington 347
14 Colne 348
15 Whalley 349
16 Rishton 352
17 Baxenden 357
18 Towneley 368
19 Green Haworth 369
20 Bacup 371
1 Clitheroe 303
2 Pleasington 307
3 Preston 316
4 Shaw Hill 317
5 Wilpshire 318
6 Burnley 320
7 Nelson 323
Rossendale 323
9 Whalley 324
10 Rochdale 325
11 Darwen 328
12 Blackburn 330
13 Green Haworth 342
14 Accrington 343
Rishton 343
16 Bacup 353
17 Great Harwood 355
Towneley 355
19 Colne 356
20 Baxenden 360
1 Pleasington 312
2 Shaw Hill 315
3 Clitheroe 322
Wilpshire 322
5 Blackburn 325
6 Accrington 327
7 Darwen 333
Rochdale 333
Nelson 333
10 Rossendale 335
11 Preston 337
12 Burnley 339
13 Colne 343
14 Whalley 344
15 Towneley 345
Green Haworth 345
17 Baxenden 347
18 Great Harwood 352
19 Rishton 354
20 Bacup 356
1964 at NELSON
1 Shaw Hill 306
2 Clitheroe 307
3 Rochdale 308
4 Blackburn 309
5 Pleasington 311
6 Burnley 314
7 Wilpshire 315
8 Nelson 316
9 Rossendale 317
10 Whalley 323
11 Accrington 328
12 Colne 330
Towneley 330
14 Bacup 331
15 Great Harwood 332
16 Darwen 334
17 Baxenden 335
18 Rishton 344
19 Green Haworth 350
1965 at COLNE
1 Wilpshire 313
2 Blackburn 314
3 Colne 315
4 Great Harwood 316
5 Accrington 317
Pleasington 317
7 Nelson 318
8 Rochdale 321
9 Rossendale 322
10 Clitheroe 323
11 Lobden 324
12 Shaw Hill 328
13 Towneley 329
14 Darwen 335
15 Whalley 337
16 Burnley 340
17 Baxenden 344
18 Rishton 350
19 Green Haworth 361
20 Bacup 364
1966 at ROCHDALE
1 Pleasington 307
2 Shaw Hill 312
3 Darwen 313
4 Wilpshire 316
Burnley 316
6 Nelson 324
7 Great Harwood 325
8 Rochdale 326
9 Accrington 330
Lobden 330
11 Blackburn 332
Towneley 332
13 Rossendale 335
14 Clitheroe 337
15 Whalley 338
Colne 338
17 Bacup 339
18 Green Haworth 341
19 Rishton 352
20 Baxenden 365
1 Blackburn 299
2 Pleasington 307
3 Clitheroe 309
4 Rossendale 313
Rochdale 313
6 Accrington 315
Wilpshire 315
Nelson 315
9 Lobden 316
Shaw Hill 316
11 Colne 317
Darwen 317
13 Great Harwood 320
14 Towneley 324
15 Burnley 325
16 Rishton 328
17 Green Haworth 336
18 Baxenden 339
19 Bacup 342
20 Whalley 346
1 Wilpshire* 301
2 Rochdale 301
3 Darwen 304
4 Pleasington 305
5 Shaw Hill 311
6 Baxenden 312
7 Rossendale 313
Colne 313
9 Clitheroe 315
10 Accrington 317
11 Nelson 318
12 Burnley 323
Towneley 323
14 Blackburn 324
15 Bacup 334
16 Whalley 335
17 Great Harwood 337
18 Green Haworth 338
19 Lobden 340
20 Rishton 341
*Winner of Play-
1969 at SHAW HILL
1 Pleasington 296
2 Colne 311
3 Burnley 313
4 Shaw Hill 315
5 Clitheroe 317
6 Rossendale 318
7 Blackburn 321
Darwen 321
9 Accrington 322
Baxenden 322
Wilpshire 322
12 Bacup 325
13 Rochdale 328
14 Nelson 330
15 Lobden 333
16 Whalley 334
17 Green Haworth 336
18 Towneley 337
19 Rishton 340
20 Great Harwood 342
1970 at WHALLEY
1 Burnley 300
2 Pleasington 301
3 Great Harwood 303
4 Shaw Hill 307
Wilpshire 307
6 Rochdale 309
7 Blackburn 310
8 Darwen 312
9 Rossendale 313
10 Accrington 316
11 Colne 317
12 Clitheroe 319
13 Nelson 324
14 Bacup 329
15 Rishton 330
16 Green Haworth 331
17 Baxenden 332
Whalley 332
19 Lobden 337
20 Towneley 338
1 Pleasington 290
2 Shaw Hill 310
3 Clitheroe 313
4 Blackburn 314
5 Colne 319
6 Burnley 321
Wilpshire 321
8 Baxenden 325
Great Harwood 325
10 Darwen 326
11 Nelson 328
12 Rochdale 334
13 Accrington 339
Whalley 339
15 Lobden 341
16 Bacup 344
17 Rossendale 346
18 Rishton 357
19 Towneley 358
20 Green Haworth 360
1 Pleasington* 306
Shaw Hill 306
3 Burnley 309
4 Blackburn 312
5 Clitheroe 314
6 Rossendale 316
7 Nelson 317
8 Accrington 318
9 Great Harwood 322
10 Wilpshire 324
Baxenden 324
Colne 324
13 Darwen 325
14 Rochdale 332
15 Green Haworth 339
16 Towneley 340
17 Rishton 343
18 Bacup 345
Whalley 345
Lobden 345
*Winner after Play-
1973 at DARWEN
1 Pleasington 292
2 Darwen 305
Nelson 305
4 Blackburn 306
5 Great Harwood 308
6 Clitheroe 311
7 Rossendale 315
Wilpshire 315
9 Burnley 317
Colne 317
11 Accrington 318
12 Rochdale 320
13 Rishton 322
14 Baxenden 323
Shaw Hill 323
16 Lobden 324
17 Green Haworth 343
18 Bacup 346
Towneley 346
20 Whalley 357
1 Pleasington 294
2 Great Harwood 303
3 Nelson 305
4 Darwen 308
Rochdale 308
Wilpshire 308
7 Accrington 311
8 Shaw Hill 313
9 Burnley 315
10 Blackburn 317
11 Rossendale 319
12 Clitheroe 321
13 Whalley 324
14 Baxenden 325
15 Towneley 326
16 Bacup 327
17 Colne 329
18 Rishton 334
19 Lobden 339
20 Green Haworth 346
1975 at BURNLEY
1 Pleasington 313
2 Shaw Hill 314
3 Burnley 316
4 Nelson 318
Wilpshire 318
6 Accrington 321
Towneley 321
8 Blackburn 322
Rochdale 322
10 Darwen 324
11 Great Harwood 330
12 Baxenden 331
13 Rossendale 333
14 Clitheroe 339
15 Green Haworth 340
16 Rishton 343
17 Whalley 346
18 Bacup 348
19 Lobden 349
20 Colne 358
1976 at ROCHDALE
1 Pleasington 300
2 Rochdale 303
Shaw Hill 303
Wilpshire 303
5 Rossendale 313
Nelson 313
7 Blackburn 317
8 Lobden 319
9 Clitheroe 322
10 Baxenden 323
11 Accrington 326
Colne 326
Darwen 326
14 Bacup 330
Towneley 330
16 Green Haworth 332
17 Burnley 341
Rishton 341
19 Whalley 342
20 Great Harwood 347
1977 at NELSON
1 Shaw Hill* 307
2 Pleasington 307
3 Accrington 315
Colne 315
Nelson 315
6 Wilpshire 317
7 Burnley 318
8 Darwen 322
9 Lobden 323
10 Rossendale 326
11 Baxenden 330
12 Great Harwood 332
13 Blackburn 333
14 Rishton 334
15 Whalley 335
16 Green Haworth 336
17 Rochdale 340
18 Towneley 341
19 Clitheroe 343
20 Bacup 348
*Winner after Play-
1 Nelson 304
2 Pleasington 308
3 Rossendale 313
Wilpshire 313
5 Lobden 316
6 Darwen 318
7 Great Harwood 321
8 Burnley 325
9 Shaw Hill 326
10 Whalley 327
11 Baxenden 329
12 Accrington 331
Colne 331
14 Blackburn 334
15 Marsden Park 337
16 Green Haworth 339
Rishton 339
18 Clitheroe 346
19 Towneley 357
20 Bacup 361
1979 at COLNE
1 Rossendale 301
2 Pleasington 303
3 Darwen 305
Nelson 305
Shaw Hill 305
6 Colne 307
7 Accrington 312
Wilpshire 312
9 Blackburn 313
10 Burnley 317
11 Towneley 319
12 Clitheroe 321
13 Marsden Park 325
Whalley 325
15 Rishton 327
16 Baxenden 329
17 Lobden 331
18 Great Harwood 334
19 Bacup 335
20 Green Haworth 345
1 Pleasington 309
2 Burnley 313
3 Accrington 320
4 Shaw Hill 323
5 Wilpshire 325
6 Rossendale 327
7 Colne 329
Darwen 329
9 Blackburn 331
10 Clitheroe 334
11 Baxenden 335
12 Nelson 337
13 Bacup 339
14 Rishton 341
15 Green Haworth 343
16 Marsden Park 345
17 Great Harwood 349
Lobden 349
19 Towneley 350
20 Whalley 354
1 Burnley 308
2 Pleasington 312
3 Shaw Hill 316
4 Wilpshire 319
5 Darwen 321
6 Colne 322
Rossendale 322
8 Accrington 323
Blackburn 323
Clitheroe 323
11 Baxenden 325
12 Nelson 326
13 Marsden Park 330
14 Lobden 333
Rishton 333
16 Whalley 335
17 Great Harwood 338
Green Haworth 338
19 Bacup 339
20 Towneley N/R
1 Burnley 297
Blackburn 297
3 Pleasington 305
Rossendale 305
5 Accrington 308
6 Shaw Hill 312
7 Clitheroe 313
Colne 313
9 Wilpshire 314
10 Marsden Park 316
11 Great Harwood 325
12 Lobden 327
13 Nelson 328
14 Bacup 329
15 Baxenden 331
Rishton 331
17 Great Harwood 348
18 Darwen N/R
Towneley N/R
Whalley Dis.
1983 at SHAW HILL
1 Pleasington 317
2 Shaw Hill 318
3 Blackburn 326
4 Accrington 327
5 Towneley 329
6 Rishton 330
Rossendale 330
8 Burnley 332
9 Clitheroe 334
10 Whalley 338
11 Marsden Park 340
12 Wilpshire 343
13 Bacup 344
14 Nelson 345
15 Lobden 347
16 Baxenden 351
17 Great Harwood 355
18 Green Haworth 374
19 Colne Dis.
Darwen Dis.
1984 at WHALLEY
1 Shaw Hill 303
Clitheroe 303
3 Accrington 307
4 Nelson 308
5 Pleasington 310
Towneley 310
7 Blackburn 313
Burnley 313
9 Rossendale 314
10 Colne 315
Great Harwood 315
12 Lobden 318
13 Baxenden 321
Whalley 321
15 Rochdale 327
16 Marsden Park 328
17 Bacup 331
18 Wilpshire 334
19 Rishton 339
20 Green Haworth 371
21 Darwen N/R
1 Pleasington 312
2 Blackburn 314
3 Towneley 316
4 Wilpshire 324
5 Rochdale 327
6 Burnley 328
Rossendale 328
8 Colne 330
9 Shaw Hill 331
10 Bacup 337
11 Nelson 339
12 Great Harwood 342
13 Accrington 346
14 Lobden 352
15 Whalley 353
16 Baxenden 355
17 Rishton 357
18 Green Haworth 364
19 Marsden Park N/R
20 Clitheroe Dis.
Darwen Dis.
1 Blackburn 319
2 Wilpshire 323
3 Accrington 325
4 Nelson 326
5 Clitheroe 330
6 Rochdale 331
7 Colne 333
8 Rossendale 334
9 Towneley 335
10 Burnley 340
11 Baxenden 342
12 Bacup 344
13 Great Harwood 345
14 Lobden 351
15 Whalley 357
16 Marsden Park 364
Rishton 364
18 Green Haworth 368
Darwen N/R
Pleasington N/R
Shaw Hill N/R
1987 at DARWEN
1 Burnley 291
2 Wilpshire 301
3 Darwen 307
4 Colne 309
5 Nelson 310
6 Clitheroe 312
7 Blackburn 314
8 Accrington 318
9 Great Harwood 320
Rishton 320
Rossendale 320
12 Rochdale 322
13 Towneley 323
14 Shaw Hill 324
15 Pleasington 325
16 Baxenden 329
17 Bacup 331
Green Haworth 331
19 Whalley 336
Lobden 336
21 Marsden Park 349
1988 at BURNLEY
1 Burnley 303
2 Clitheroe 303
3 Nelson 304
4 Blackburn 310
5 Rochdale 312
Darwen 312
7 Towneley 313
Wilpshire 313
9 Shaw Hill 315
Colne 315
11 Accrington 320
12 Marsden Park 321
13 Rossendale 322
Pleasington 322
15 Great Harwood 327
16 Rishton 329
Bacup 329
18 Baxenden 331
19 Lobden 336
20 Green Haworth 338
21 Whalley 343
1 Clitheroe 301
2 Nelson 302
3 Rossendale 307
4 Blackburn 310
5 Great Harwood 312
Darwen 312
7 Accrington 313
8 Baxenden 314
9 Burnley 316
Colne 316
11 Towneley 318
12 Wilpshire 319
13 Pleasington 321
14 Rochdale 327
15 Lowes Park 329
Rishton 329
17 Whalley 330
18 Duxbury Park 331
19 Bacup 334
Lobden 334
Marsden Park 334
22 Green Haworth 337
Shaw Hill Dis.
1990 at NELSON
1 Nelson 279
2 Clitheroe 294
3 Shaw Hill 295
4 Accrington 296
5 Blackburn 297
Pleasington 297
7 Marsden Park 298
8 Wilpshire 304
9 Rossendale 310
10 Burnley 313
11 Great Harwood 314
12 Darwen 314
13 Towneley 315
14 Rochdale 316
15 Colne 318
16 Lobden 322
17 Lowes Park 324
Rishton 324
19 Bacup 325
20 Baxenden 327
21 Green Haworth 328
22 Whalley 329
23 Duxbury Park 336
1 Blackburn 297
2 Nelson 302
3 Burnley 308
4 Lowes Park 311
Shaw Hill 311
Wilpshire 311
7 Rossendale 312
8 Clitheroe 313
Green Haworth 313
10 Marsden Park 317
11 Accrington 320
Colne 320
Pleasington 320
14 Towneley 324
15 Darwen 326
16 Great Harwood 327
17 Duxbury Park 332
18 Whalley 334
19 Bacup 337
Baxenden 337
21 Rishton 343
22 Lobden 346
1 Burnley 300
2 Clitheroe 308
3 Blackburn 310
4 Wilpshire 312
Rossendale 312
6 Pleasington 316
7 Baxenden 317
8 Darwen 319
9 Nelson 320
10 Bacup 325
11 Whalley 328
12 Accrington 329
13 Green Haworth 335
14 Colne 338
Lowes Park 338
Marsden Park 338
17 Shaw Hill 340
18 Lobden 341
19 Rishton 345
20 Great Harwood 353
21 Towneley 355
1993 at COLNE
1 Blackburn 278
2 Clitheroe 302
3 Accrington 303
4 Wilpshire 305
Nelson 305
6 Burnley 306
7 Colne 312
8 Darwen 313
9 Rossendale 314
10 Towneley 318
Whalley 318
12 Pleasington 323
13 Bacup 326
14 Baxenden 328
Green Haworth 328
16 Lowes Park 330
Rishton 330
18 Duxbury Park 333
19 Great Harwood 335
20 Marsden Park 337
21 Lobden 338
22 Shaw Hill N/R
1 Rossendale 315
2 Wilpshire 316
3 Great Harwood 318
4 Baxenden 319
Burnley 319
6 Clitheroe 320
7 Colne 321
8 Blackburn 325
9 Pleasington 326
10 Nelson 328
11 Green Haworth 331
Marsden Park 331
13 Darwen 332
14 Duxbury Park 334
Towneley 334
16 Accrington 340
17 Whalley 344
18 Rishton 348
Lobden N/R
Lowes Park N/R
Shaw Hill N/R
1 Burnley 300
2 Blackburn 302
3 Darwen 305
4 Colne 309
5 Accrington 311
6 Clitheroe 312
Wilpshire 312
8 Baxenden 316
9 Bacup 317
10 Nelson 318
11 Great Harwood 323
Shaw Hill 323
13 Pleasington 326
Towneley 326
15 Green Haworth 330
Whalley 330
17 Marsden Park 334
18 Lobden 336
19 Rishton 352
Lowes Park N/R
Rossendale Dis.
Stonyhurst Park Dis.
Duxbury Park N/R
1 Wilpshire 285
2 Rossendale 289
3 Blackburn 292
Cliltheroe 292
5 Darwen 297
6 Burnley 298
7 Nelson 302
8 Accrington 304
Pleasington 304
10 Great Harwood 309
11 Towneley 311
12 Colne 314
13 Baxenden 315
14 Duxbury Park 316
15 Bacup 317
Whalley 317
17 Green Haworth 319
18 Marsden Park 334
Stonyhurst Park 334
20 Rishton 338
Lobden Dis.
Mytton Fold Dis.
Lowes Park N/R
Shaw Hill N/R
1997 at SHAW HILL
1 Shaw Hill 305
2 Rossendale 307
3 Burnley 314
4 Clitheroe 319
5 Accrington 326
6 Nelson 327
7 Pleasington 328
Wilpshire 328
9 Lowes Park 332
10 Blackburn 336
11 Lobden 341
12 Great Harwood 342
13 Green Haworth 343
14 Baxenden 345
15 Rishton 346
Towneley 346
17 Colne 347
18 Marsden Park 358
20 Bacup 369
21 Mytton Fold 388
Darwen N/R
Duxbury Park N/R
Stonyhurst Park N/R
1 Darwen 299
2 Nelson 300
3 Blackburn 301
4 Wilpshire 305
5 Pleasington 307
6 Clitheroe 308
7 Accrington 312
Rossendale 312
9 Green Haworth 315
10 Burnley 316
Great Harwood 316
12 Baxenden 318
13 Rishton 320
14 Shaw Hill 323
15 Mytton Fold 325
16 Marsden Park 326
17 Colne 328
18 Whalley 330
19 Duxbury Park 331
20 Towneley 339
21 Bacup 340
22 Stonyhurst Park 345
Lobden N/R
1999 at WHALLEY
1 Nelson 287
2 Wilpshire 295
3 Rossendale 298
4 Accrington 305
5 Blackburn 308
6 Burnley 312
7 Clitheroe 313
8 Darwen 314
Pleasington 314
10 Great Harwood 316
11 Marsden Park 319
12 Rishton 321
Towneley 321
14 Lobden 323
15 Whalley 324
16 Colne 325
Green Haworth 325
Mytton Fold 325
19 Baxenden 328
20 Bacup 332
21 Stonyhurst Park 341
Duxbury Park Dis.
Shaw Hill Dis.
1 Wilpshire 230
2 Rossendale 231
3 Clitheroe 233
Nelson 233
5 Burnley 234
6 Pleasington 236
7 Accrington 237
8 Blackburn 238
9 Darwen 239
10 Lobden 240
Marsden Park 240
12 Green Haworth 243
13 Shaw Hill 244
Whalley 244
15 Towneley 245
16 Baxenden 250
17 Stonyhurst Park 254
18 Mytton Fold 256
19 Colne 259
20 Duxbury Park 260
Great Harwood 260
Rishton 260
23 Bacup 266
2001 at BURNLEY
1 Burnley 282
2 Nelson 291
3 Pleasington 292
4 Clitheroe 294
5 Blackburn 296
6 Rossendale 297
7 Colne 302
8 Green Haworth 303
9 Darwen 307
10 Wilpshire 310
11 Great Harwood 312
Marsden Park
13 Rishton 314
14 Lobden 319
15 Mytton Fold 319
16 Bacup 321
Shaw Hill
18 Whalley 324
19 Accrington 325
20 Stonyhurst Park 331
21 Baxenden 335
Duxbury Park Dis.
Towneley Dis.
2002 at NELSON
1 Wilpshire 289
Burnley 289
3 Pleasington 290
4 Nelson 293
5 Accrington 297
6 Clitheroe 299
7 Green Haworth 301
8 Colne 303
9 Marsden Park 305
10 Lobden 307
Rossendale 307
12 Duxbury Park 309
13 Darwen 310
Shaw Hill 310
15 Baxenden 319
16 Stonyhurst Park 321
Towneley 321
Bacup 321
19 Rishton 323
20 Mytton Fold 324
21 Great Harwood 327
22 Whalley 343
23 Blackburn Dis.
1 Nelson 288
2 Rossendale 289
3 Wilpshire 298
Burnley 298
5 Clitheroe 299
6 Blackburn 301
7 Accrington 306
8 Darwen 307
9 Pleasington 309
10 Marsden Park 310
11 Shaw Hill 311
12 Duxbury Park 317
13 Mytton Fold 318
Lobden 318
Green Haworth 318
15 Bacup 324
Rishton 324
17 Whalley 328
Great Harwood 328
Baxenden 328
19 Towneley 335
20 Colne 337
21 Stoneyhurst Park Dis.
2004 at DARWEN
1 Nelson 296
Darwen 296
Burnley 296
4 Rossendale 298
5 Blackburn 305
6 Accrington 306
7 Green Haworth 307
8 Pleasington 310
Marsden Park 310
Clitheroe 310
11 Whalley 313
12 Wilpshire 318
13 Shaw Hill 320
Baxenden 320
15 Towneley 321
16 Duxbury Park 328
17 Bacup 331
18 Great Harwood 332
19 Lobden 333
20 Colne 338
21 Mytton Fold 340
22 Rishton 341
23 Stonyhurst Park Dis.
2005 at BURNLEY
1 Clitheroe 300
2 Pleasington 303
3 Burnley 304
4 Shaw Hill 307
5 Blackburn 308
6 Nelson 310
7 Darwen 314
8 Green Haworth 316
9 Townley 318
10 Marsden Park 323
11 Wilpshire 324
12 Stonthurst Park 325
13 Colne 326
14 Great Harwood 327
15 Accrington 328
16 Rossendale 329
17 Baxenden 334
18 Whalley 339
19 Bacup 342
20 Lobden 343
21 Mytton Fold 347
22 Rishton 348
23 Duxbury Park 362
1 Nelson 294
2 Accrington 302
3 Clitheroe 303
Marsden Park 303
5 Darwen 313
6 Pleasington 318
7 Baxenden 321
8 Towneley 324
9 Great Harwood 325
10 Colne 327
11 Blackburn 328
12 Burnley 330
13 Bacup 335
14 Mytton Fold 337
15 Duxbury Park 342
Lobden 342
16 Whalley 349
17 Green Haworth Dis
Rishton Dis
Rossendale N.R.
Shaw Hill N.R.
Stonyhurst Park N.R.
Wilpshire N.R.
1 Nelson 305
2 Clitheroe 309
3 Shaw Hill 313
4 Darwen 315
Townley 315
6 Wilpshire 316
7 Blackburn 317
8 Green Haworth 319
Pleasington 319
10 Burnley 320
11 Baxenden 321
12 Rossendale 322
13 Accrington 330
14 Colne 335
Great Harwood 335
16 Bacup 336
17 Marsden Park 340
18 Mytton Fold 345
19 Lobden 348
20 Duxbury Park 354
21 Rishton N.R.
Stonyhurst Park N.R.
Whalley N.R.
1 Green Haworth 299
Nelson 299
3 Rossendale 302
4 Pleasington 305
5 Accrington 306
6 Clitheroe 308
7 Marsden Park 311
8 Mytton Fold 313
9 Wilpshire 317
10 Shaw Hill 318
11 Blackburn 321
Great Harwood 321
13 Burnley 324
Towneley 324
15 Whalley 327
16 Bacup 329
17 Colne 340
18 Baxenden 342
19 Rishton 345
20 Duxbury Park 348
Darwen, Lobden and Stonyhurst Park
did not compete.
1 Accrington 312
2 Rossendale 312
3 Clitheroe 313
4 Blackburn 315
5 Pleasington 316
6 Marsden Park 317
Nelson 317
8 Wilpshire 325
9 Burnley 326
10 Great Harwood 328
11 Shaw Hill 329
12 Colne 330
13 Towneley Park 331
14 Green Haworth 333
15 Baxenden 334
16 Bacup 351
Mytton Fold 351
Whalley 351
19 Rishton 357
20 Lobden 358
21 Darwen N.R.
Stonyhurst Park N.R.
Duxbury Park did not compete
1 Accrington 295
2 Clitheroe 297
3 Rossendale 306
3 Wilpshire 306
3 Green Haworth 306
6 Pleasington 309
Colne 309
8 Nelson 314
9 Darwen 317
10 Marsden Park 321
11 Blackburn 324
12 Shaw Hill 326
13 Bacup 330
14 Whalley 331
15 Great Harwood 333
16 Rishton 335
17 Lobden 336
18 Baxenden 340
19 Mytton Fold 341
20 Stonyhurst Park 342
21 Towneley 345
22 Burnley N.R.
Duxbury Park did not compete
1.Accrington 302
2.Clitheroe 303
3.Nelson 305
4.Pleasington 315
5.Wilpshire 316
6.Green Haworth 321
7.Darwen 322
8.Burnley 326
9.Colne 327
10.Blackburn 331
11.Rossendale 336
12.Great Harwood 341
13.Marsden Park 342
Shaw Hill 342
Whalley 342
16.Baxenden 343
17.Towneley 350
18.Bacup 355
19.Lobden 356
20.Duxbury Park 368
21.Rishton 387
22.Mytton Fold Did Not Compete
23.Stonyhurst Park N/R
2012 at NELSON
1. Nelson -
2. Pleasington -
3. Accrington -
4. Clitheroe -
5. Blackburn -
6. Burnley -
7. Green Haworth -
8. Rossendale -
9. Lobden -
10. Whalley-
11. Colne -
12. Wilpshire -
13. Towneley -
14. Stonyhurst Park -
15. Bacup -
16 Rishton -
17. Great Harwood -
18. Mytton Fold -
19. Shaw Hill -
20. Baxenden -
21. Darwen -
22. Duxbury Park -
23. Marsden Park -