East Lancashire Golf Association

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Rules for Scratch Shield & Presidents Trophy

Adult Competition Rules

1. These Stroke Competitions shall be played on a Saturday in June in each year, and one team of four players shall represent each Club in both competitions. Any Club is eligible to win both competitions.

2. The Association Shield shall be held for one year by the Club whose team returns the best aggregate scratch score for eighteen holes.

3. The President's Trophy shall be held for one year by the Club whose team returns the best aggregate nett score for eighteen holes under handicap, each player being limited to a handicap of 12.

4. In the event of a tie for the Shield it shall be decided by taking the lowest aggregate gross score on the last nine holes. If still a tie the lowest aggregate gross score on the last six holes; and if still a tie the lowest aggregate gross score on the last three holes and last hole in that order. If there is still a tie individual holes starting at the first will be compared.

5. In the event of a tie for the President's Trophy it shall be decided in the same manner as for the Shield except that handicap allowances shall be made which shall be one half, one third, one sixth, once ninth or one eighteenth of the competitor's handicap
as the case may be. If there is still a tie it shall be decided by comparing individual holes when the usual handicap allowance shall be made.

6. The Scratch Medal will be won by the competitor returning the best gross score for the 18 holes of the Shield Competition. In the event of a tie it shall be decided by comparison of cards, as in regulation 6 of the Lancashire Union of Golf Clubs Regulations for Competitions.

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