East Lancashire Golf Association

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2013 Harold Ryden-Presidents Statement

ELGA General > 2013 Results - General Sec. > How did we Do.


On Monday 22nd July, Joey Lamb reported to the assistant Secretary, David Ellis,  that he had discovered that he had signed for a wrong score during Saturday’s qualifying round and felt he should be disqualified from the quarter finals.
These findings were not reported to the ELGA Secretary or President until the imminent commencement of the last of the quarter final matches. The match which involved Joey and Shaun Field.
At this juncture Shaun knew little about the matter and Joey felt that he should not participate and would gladly accept disqualification.
The ELGA officials involved, being the Secretary, assistant Secretary and the President, felt that it was too late to alter the draw and too late to summon the reserve qualifier, Gary Phillipson, and took the very poor decision of allowing the tie to go ahead giving them more time to discuss and assess the matter at greater length.
The match went ahead with Joey again feeling totally embarrassed by the situation and then even more so when he won by a margin of 3 and 2.
After consultations with the rules ‘guru’, Barry Birtwistle, it has been decided to go ahead with the disqualification of Joey Lamb and award a bye to Shaun Field by reinstating him to play against Mark Ashworth in the semi finals.
The ELGA officials involved are the ones who now feel totally embarrassed and can only apologise to all concerned for their actions. Had these facts come to light sometime between card checking on Saturday and even as late as Monday lunchtime, the correct procedures could and would have taken place.
Credit must go to Joey Lamb, who reported the mistake as soon as he discovered it and was happy to do the right thing and stand down.
Credit must also go to Shaun Field, for not getting involved.
And our sympathies go to Gary Phillipson, who, had the facts been reported by the assistant Secretary just a few hours earlier, would have had a place in the quarter finals.

 Terry Horrocks (ELGA President)            

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