2016 to 2024 - East Lancashire Golf Association

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2016 to 2024

History > Time Lapse History
The 2016 Lanashire Seniors Championship was won again by our ELGA President Mr Tony Holt of Clitheroe G.C.

Mark Ashworth of Clitheroe G.C became the Overall Lancashire Champion along with regaining the ELGA Harold Ryden Trophy beating Curtis Clarkin at Nelson G.C.

Young Noah Cambridge of Clitheroe G.C. also became the Lancashire Schools Under 15 Champion.

Our 2016 ELGA Rules Winner was Mr Tony Duckett of Rishton G.C. and the ELGA Seniors Championship was won by Mr Andy Samuels of Burnley G.C.

The 2016 ELGA Junior Team narrowly missed out reaching the LUGC Final day, beaten by North Lancs. at Accrington G.C.       
Pictures below L to R.

Tony Holt - Lancs Seniors Champion, Mark Ashworth - Lancashire Champion/ H Ryden Champion & Noah Cambridge - Lancs Schools Under 15 Champion.

The ELGA Junior Challenge Tour  Gross Champion was Ethan Cambridge of Clitheroe G.C.

The Tour Nett Champion was Zak Sturgeon of Towneley G.C.
Runner Up;- Mathew Casper of Burnley G.C.

From 447 Entries throughout the 2016 season.


Unfortunately 2017 so SHAW HILL GOLF CLUB resign membership of the association after 64 Years.

OAK ROYAL GOLF CLUB becomes a new association member in 2017 thus retaining our 23 association clubs.

Nelson G.C won the Scratch Sheild at Clitheroe G.C. and Stonyhurst G.C. won the Handicap Trophy at Mytton Fold.

The ELGA Mixed Gross winners were Tom & Beverley Wellock of Colne and the Nett winners were Stuart Nunn & Val Fairless of Clitheroe.

The Seniors Championship was won by Andy Riley of Burnley with Gary Byrne of Clitheroe in second place played at Blackburn G.C.

Anthony Harwood of Blackburn having been the Harold Ryden runner up in 2015 & 2016 won the 2017 Title beating Mark Ashworth at Darwen G.C.

Anothony Harwood 2017 Harold Ryden Champion

Accringtons Trevor Foster having won the Lancashire Senior Championship then went on to win the England Senior Title for 2017.   ( Champion of Champions)

The 2017 Junior winner of the ELGA Junior Championship played at Colne G.C. was won by Harry Lord of Rossendale G.C.

Adam Mujahid of Nelson won the Junior Challenge Tour Gross Title with Zak Strugeon also of Nelson wiining for the second year in succession the Nett Title.

The runners up were - GROSS - Noah Cambridge of Royal Lytham & NETT - Cameron Walmsley of Wilpshire.
The tour comprised of 12 Events with the players best 7 Scores being taken for the merit points. - 348 Entries competed for the titles.






Challenge Tour -  Group Photo.
Mr President, Tony Holt with Adam Mujahid, Noah Cambridge, Zak Sturgeon

David Ellis of Wilpshire G.C. takes over as ELGA President

Aug 2018 - Following a very short stay - TURTON GC withdraw their membership.

2018 became a fantastic year for our quality senior golfers with Trevor Foster of Accrington becoming the British Senior Champion at Royal Porthcawl and Tony Flanagan of Clitheroe becomimng the Lancashire Seniors Champion for 2018.

The Harold Ryden was won by Anthony Keenan of Burnley and the Scratch Individual won by Ben Scott of Accrington.
The scratch team winners where Clitheroe played at Colne.

Gary Byrne of Clitheroe won the Seniors Championship at Rishton with a Gross 71.
ELGA mixed team event at Wilpshire was won by Clitheroe with a Gross 254, Nett by Wilpshire with a Nett 228.

ELGA Juniors took 3rd place in the Lancashire Associations first Team Trophy event at Hesketh G.C. with Adam Mujahid of Nelson becoming the Team Player of the year as well as the Challenge Tour Gross winner
The Challenge Tour Nett champion was won by Jack Drayton of Fleetwood.

ELGA,s Junior Championship at Towneley obtained 3 prize winners, Jack Drayton of Fleetwood being the overall winner with Luke Smalley of Clitheroe taking the ELGA Gross Trophy and Harris Raffertey of Clitheroe taking the ELGA Nett Trophy.

All Left to Right - TOP ROW, T Foster - T Flanagan - G Byrne
                       BOTTOM ROW - J Drayton - L Smalley - H Rafferty - A Mujahid


2019 - Another great year for East Lancs players in the County matches with
Luke Bartram (Left) of Rossendale winning the Lancashire Amature Championship at Formby G.C.

Isaac Gregson (Right) of Rossendale winning the Lancashire Under 14s Championship at Rossendale G.C.

Unfortunately due to extreme bad weather on 3 occasions the ELGA SCRATCH did not materialise at Nelson G.C.

The Harold Ryden produced a new Champion, Craig Waddington of Nelson with Anthony Harwood of Blackburn taking runner up position. - The match was played at Blackburn.

The 2019 Seniors Champion played at Baxenden was Ian Owens of Burnley.

The HandicapTrophy played at Towneley was won by Marsden Park with Nathan Ackers of M.P. taking the best individual prize,

Clitheroes team won the Mixed Foursomes GROSS at Darwen with Accringtons team taking the  best NETT position.

2019 so the introduction of a first ELGA 9 Hole competition, The Barry Birtwistle memorial trophy played at Colne. - The winners being Shaun Field of Nelson, Best Nett 32 and Gary Blades of Burnley, Best Gross 36.

Rossendales Luke Bartram and former ELGA junior became the Lancashire Amature Champion 2019.

Left , Craig Waddington, H.Ryden Champion and
            Right , Ian Owens, Seniors Champion with President David Eliis


2020 Sets off to an awful start due to the effects of the sweeping Corona Virus Pandemic creating general disruption to all sporting events.

The ELGA A.G.M being cancelled / postponed for the 2020 season due to public gatherings being in voluntary suspension.

2020 Year End, resulted with NO ELGA ASSOCIATION EVENTS due to the Covid Pandemic taking place howeve, with some hope that the global vaccine distributions will enable golf to resume in late March / April 2021

Michael J Taylor , former captain and president of Green Haworth G.C takes over as President from the pre-AGM date of 18th March.  Serving from 2020 to 2023 due to pandemic restrictions.

2021 - Not quite back to normal
Hoping for an improved year, provisional bookings are taking place in late Feb/March for the current year. However  in 2019 due to falling interest in the junior Challenge Tour the event was withdrawn for future years.

We are sorry to see the departure of Andrew Dean who also served as Secretary & Treasurer following the passing of Frank Wharton.
We wish him well with his new family commitments and hopefully see a return in the not to distant future.

The 2021 Golf Events started off on a not to sunny day at Burnley G.C. for the ELGA HANDICAP TROPHY.
Team winners were Baxenden G.C, -301 Points, followed with just 1 Point variation by Marsden Park on 302 Points.,
The Nett individual prize was won by Gary Bannister of Green Haworth G.C. shooting 85-17-68.

The Harold Ryden was won at Accrington G.C.by ELGA Team Captain, Chris Nuttall (Accrington) beating Anythony Harwood of (Blackburn.)
The Scratch Trophy was won by Nelson G.C @ Nelson G.C. and the Presidents Trophy was won by Colne G.C.
The 9 Hole Barry Birtwistle Trophy was won by Dean Foxcroft (Nett) of Colne @ Colne and the Gross was won by Stuart Nunn of Clitheroe.
Mark Ridgeway of Burnley took the Seniors Title with a Gross of 70 with Gary Byrne of Clitheroe in 2nd spot - Gross 74

The Mixed Team NETT event was won by Rishton with Clitheroe collecting the Gross Prize.
Again - Covid played a major part in disriupting a number of events,

2022 sees a return to normal golf following the pandemic with the year starting with a win for Duxbury Park in the Handicap Trophy played at Green Haworth.

The Harold Ryden again was won by Chris Nuttal of Accrington, beating Michael Barton of Wilpshire @ Wilpshire .

Unfortunately, Marsden Park leaves our association now leaving us with 21 member clubs.

The Scratch Tournament played at Rossendale was won by Rossendale in both Gross & Nett positions with the Seniors Championship @ Gt Harwood being won by Ian Owens of Clitheroe.

The Mixed Foursomes played at Nelson was won by Blackburn for the Nett and Clitheroe for the Gross. - Kirsty and Shaun Field of Clitheroe again won the best Gross pairings, now three on the bounce.

ELGA Juniors managed a team win @ Bolton G.C. beating B.G.A. 11.5 to 6.5 and took 2nd Gross in the Lancashire Association Team Trophy at Houghwood G.C.

A great year for ELGA junior, Bobby Layton of Green Haworth G.C. / Bolton O.L. for winning both the Junior Championship (Nett) and Player of the Year Award for 2022.
The Junior Open Gross Champion was won by Ben Barton of Wilpshire G.C.

2022 ADULT WINNERS - With ELGA President M Taylor

LHS - Chris Nuttal ( H/Ryden Champion)  - RHS -  Ian Owens,(Seniors Champ)


L.H. PHOTO - JUNIOR GROSS CHAMPION -   Ben Barton of Wilpshire G.C

R.H.PHOTO  - JUNIOR NETT CHAMPION - Bobby Layton of Green Haworth G.C. & Bolton O.L.



Paul Healey of Rossendale G.C. takes over as ELGA President - 29th March 2023.

The 2023 AGM held at Whalley G.C. (29/3/23) generated little interest from the member clubs, hence motions were passed easily.
ie,New junior rule Regs for competition entry and increased member subscription's both being approved.

Unfortunately the 2023 Captains / Secretaries was cancelled due to bad weather.

The opening Team event at Turton G.C. v Bolton Assoc was suspended due to bad weather with Bolton leading the Foursomes in the morning.
This match was to be resumed in October - Sun 1st to complete the Singles however the weather got the better again, match cancelled.

The first major 2023 team event, The HANDICAP TROPHY played at Pleasington was won by Darwen G.C. ( Nett 291)
with Anthony Fisher of Towneley taking the  Individual Nett ( 68)

Team Players ( Left to Right)

   Clint Baxter - Howard Clark - Andrew Sheard - Greg Lawrenson
The ELGA SCRATCH was won by Clitheroe G.C. with a Gross 303 beating Accringon G.C on a card play off ,
whereby Accrington achieved the Presidents Nett Trophy.

The HAROLD RYDEN played at Clitheroe G.C. was won by Noah Cambridge of Wilpshire beating Gregg Peel also from Wilpshire.

Picture - Noah Cambridge & Gregg Peel

The BARRY BIRTWISTLE 9 Hole Championship at Colne G.C. was won by Jimmy Hartley of Colne on 20 Pts CPO against runner Up Andrew Frankland of Colne on 20 Pts - The ladies prize was won by Sarah Irvine also of Colne. 19 Pts.

The L.A. NORTHERN JUNIOR SHIELD was won by North Lancs with ELGA taking the Gross position

The major L.A. JUNIOR TEAM TROPHY was won by SLGA on 283 Nett at Preston G.C.  with NLGA taking the Gross Prize on 312 G.
Unfortunately ELGA came in 6th position.(Nett)

The ELGA Junior Team Player of the Year was Ben Barton of Wilpshire  

ELGA SENIOR TEAM MATCHES were introduced and managed by Ian Owens of Clitheroe G.C  having introductory events against Bolton and Cumbria.

Both matches played at Clitheroe.
ELGA v BOLTON - ELGA win 8-4

The ELGA MIXED  NETT COMP played at Blackburn G.C. was won by Clitheroe G.C. ( Nett 214) with Accrington  taking the Gross at 274

The ELGA SENIOR CHAMPIONSHIP was won for the 2nd year on the run by Ian Owens of Citheroe (Gross 70) with runner up Gary Phillipson of Darwen ( 73 G)
Photo - I Owens with President P Healey

The best Nett was won by David McKenzie of Clitheroe ( 76 N CPO) against runner up Shaun Kendal of Towneley ( 76N)

The ELGA SENIOR CHAMPIONSHIP was won for the 2nd year on the run by Ian Owens of Citheroe (Gross 70) with runner up Gary Phillipson of Darwen ( 73 G)
Photo - I Owens with President P Healey

The best Nett was won by David McKenzie of Clitheroe ( 76 N CPO) against runner up Shaun Kendal of Towneley ( 76N)
The ELGA  2023 JUNIOR CHAMPIONSHIP played at Clitheroe G.C.

<---------Gross Winner :- Alfie Burnett of Clitheroe G.C. ( 74 Gross)

Nett Winner:- Casper Cort of Clitheroe G.C. ( 66 Nett) ----------->

2nd Gross was George Whitehead of Clitheroe 75 Gross and 3rd was Ethan Townley also from Clitheroe.

2nd Nett was Harris Rafferty of Clitheroe 69 Nett CPO and 3rd Nett was Noah Barber of Clitheroe 69 Nett.

Unfortunately the 12 Man Junior Team Match v BOLTON had to be cancelled due to insufficient junior players for the ELGA team.

Following one of the worst winter seasons for rain and course closures the ELGA season started off at Burnley G.C. for the first  ADULT TEAM MATCH v BOLTON SENIORS resulting in a draw.   9 Points each team. ( All Played of scratch)

The HANDICAP TROPHY @ Wilpshire G.C. was won by CLITHEROE  on 289 Nett with Kevin Rogerson winning the individual  on 68 Nett on a CPO with Graham Monk of Stonyhurst Park and Fred Hunt of Burnley taking 3rd place.

THE 2024 ELGA SCRATCH @ Towneley G.C. was won by NELSON G.C. (LH Photo)

Andrew Pinder (RH Photo) of Colne took best Nett with 70-4-66 with the Colne Team winning the Presidents Trophy.
The 2024 Barry Birtwistle (9 Hole Stableford) was won by Tony Flanagan of Clitheroe ( 16 Pts Gross) with the Nett Winner, Tina Fishwick of Colne with 21 Pts.

The 2024 Harold Ryden played at Accrington was won by Gregg Peel of Wilpshire beating Ben Barton of Wilpshire  - Result 4 & 2.

Picture Across - Left to right ,   The 2024 Champion Gregg Peel and Runner Up Ben Barton.

The L.A NORTHERN Junior  Team Championship @ Leyalnd G.C. was won by N/Lancs on 432 Nett, 2nd was Fylde on 443 Nett and 3rd was E.Lancs on 456 Nett. The best individual Nett was J Dickinson of Lancaster on 68 Nett cpo over K Liggins of Knott End on 68 Nett

The 2024 SENIORS OPEN CHAMPIONSHIP at OAK ROYAL was cancelled due to the wet weather conditions, and the fact that the current Gross Champion was unable to start,  however the NETT results for all morning players would produce a Nett Winner - John Wilkinson of Oak Royal with Mark Baron of Green Haworth as runner up.
2024 Lanc. County Golf Union. -- LA JUNIOR TEAM TROPHY WINNERS

Well done to our ELGA Junior players on winning the L.C.G.U. - L.A. MAJOR TEAM TROPHY at Turton G.C.
Beating Fylde GA into 2nd Place.
A SIX Association team event played in difficult conditions on a wet and windy course.

Photo - The ELGA TEAM

Left to Right

Aristo Wood - Sam Whitworth- Zac Sturgeon - Freddie Hunt - Bobby Layton - Ben Layton
The 2024 Junior Open Championship was played at Clitheroe G.C. in wonderful sunshine, with George Whitehead of Clitheroe on becoming the Gross Champion with Ross Ganson of Longridge taking the runner up position.

Isaac Smith of Clitheroe became the Nett Champion with Bobby Layton of Manchester taking the runner up position.


Left to Right.

George Whitehead ( Gross Champion) --- Isaac Smith with ELGA Junior Organisers --- Isaac Smith (Nett Champion)

The MIXED FOURSOMES played at Accrington with 18 of our member clubs resulted in Clitheroe, becoming the GROSS team champions and Towneley, becoming the NETT team champions. - Individual winners were Shaun & Kirsty Field of Clitheroe for the Gross and Jason Rawson & Mandy Bottomley of Stonyhurst for the Nett

PHOTO,s Left to Right
TOM NUTTALL TROPHY ( Gross) ---  Clitheroe Team.                      PLM STOCKS TROPHY ( Nett) ..... Towneley Team.
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