Rules - East Lancashire Golf Association

East Lancs Golf Association
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Adults 2025 > Adult Event Rules
Mixed Foursomes Championships
(Updated 2020)

1. Shall be competed for under handicap competitions by teams of three pairs from each
Club on a Sunday in September or early October.-Juniors may participate

2. Each Club should hold a qualifying stroke play competition, the three mixed pairs
returning the best nett scores play in the E.L.G.A. Mixed Final Competition under handicap.
If a club does not hold a qualifying competition it may nominate three mixed pairs to play in
the finals.

3. In the event of a tie it shall be decided by comparison of cards, as outlined in General
Rule 6.

4. Prizes will be awarded to 1st team nett (PLM Stocks Trophy) , 1st team gross (Tom
Nuttall Memorial Trophy) . No team may win both prizes. 1st nett individual & 1st gross

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