EVENT CANCELLED - East Lancashire Golf Association

East Lancs Golf Association
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History > Competition History > JuniorGolf > Junior Individuals
( This tour needs a minimum of 10 Events to proceed by the end of March )



  2) - ACCUMULATED POINTS SYSTEM -Usable merit points are based on 60% of the opens completed.
  3) - PLAYER BONUS POINTS - These are assembled from Field Entry points and Venue Points.
        ie,FIELD ENTRY POINTS are assigned per the number of players competing in the Open.
        & CLUB VENUE POINTS - are assigned per the host clubs previous years entry level.

( All Bonus points are assigned to every player entry irrespective of any "No Returns" on the day)


1)   PLAYER POSITIONAL POINTS SYSTEM - Player Points are not assigned for Non Returns
Position  -       1st - 2nd - 3rd -  4th -   5th -  6th - 7th -  8th -  9th -  10th.
Points   :-      200 - 170 - 140 -  120 -  100 -  90 -  80 -   70 -   60 -   55

Position -       11th -   12th -   13th -   14th -   15th -  16th - 17th -  18th -  19th -  20th  
Points :-          50 -      45 -      40 -    35 -      30 -      25 -    20 -     15     - 10   -  5

The number of usable Total Merit points are based on 60% of the completed junior opens.
This enables a degree of coverage for family holiday and exam commitments.

THE CALCULATED RESULT  ( 15 Opens is the Max Limit  - 14 Clubs + ELGA Championship)
Number of Opens Available.......................   6 -   7 - 8 -  9 - 10 - 11 - 12 -  13 -  14 -  15  
Players Best Number of Scores Used.........   4 -  4 -  5 -  5 -  6 -   7 -   7 -    8 -     8 -    9

In the event of Ties at year end, the player with the best attendance figure will take priority then by count back of the last registered accountable open.
E.L.G.A's decisions are final.

Venue Points
All player entries will receive the Max.30 Venue Points.

4) FIELD ENTRY / ATTENDANCE POINTS  -( To encourage players)  -
These are points awarded to players dependant on the number of players competing in the particular Junior Open.
(The more players who enter, the more points they get added to their positional points.)

There are 3 levels, **
The figures below are for our 18 Hole Clubs, Our 9 Hole clubs will be Double those of 18 Hole Clubs

Level 1 ) , 10 Points per player up to the attendance figure of up to 20.
Level 2 ) - From 21 entries per Open to 54 will receive 15 Additional points.
Level 3 )  - Above 54 entries per Open,  25 Points per player will be assigned.


Bonus "VENUE" Points are added as a Promotional incentive for clubs that have been less fortunate in attracting numbers in the previous year.

The highest entry last year would receive zero Venue points and any club who is new to the tour would receive the Max 30 Points. - All other clubs would get the percentage variance relative to the Max figure.

Any previous years "cancelled" planned Open will be assigned the average rating of the club type. ie 18 Hole or 9 Hole.  

THE RESULT for 2019 - Best supported Club 2018, Pleasington with 48 Entries.

In the following Tables - Clubs shown in Blue are 9 Hole Clubs.


CLUB REQUIREMENT:- ( Clubs must register their willingness to participate by the end of March.2019)
The Tour will only accommodate 14 Club Junior Opens plus the ELGA Junior Championship. ( 15 In total ).
A minimum of 10 Registrations are required for the Tour to take place.
Club registrations with ELGA for inclusion in the Challenge Tour will be based on a first come / first served basis whereby the first registered date for a junior open within the tour will be the only one accepted for the Tour.
Obviously this will not stop clubs from holding a junior open on the same day but could well effect your entry levels due to tour enthusiasm.
We recommend you check Lancashires dates for Under 14's and Under 16,s to avoid clashes.
With the general congestion of events played in the summer holiday period ,any club who could stage an event outside of this period would be greatly appreciated, ( Possible weekend ? ) - Weekends could attract best entries.

****ELGA Clubs thinking of registering for the first time a Junior Open on the Tour are requested to look at the previous dates other ELGA clubs have used in previous years. - These can be found under the 2 Year Junior Archive files. Most of these clubs tend to keep the pro-Rata dates.

Offers to NON ELGA clubs to participate may be accepted for those clubs who have previously supported the Tour in the past.

Prizes allocated by the host club for their junior open vary according to receipts on the day.
Typical prizes would be 1st -2nd -3rd Nett, Best Gross,Best Red Block Nett or Best Girls if sufficient entries.
Some clubs may offer Nearest Pin etc.-although ELGA does not recommend Longest Drive due to ability levels of players.

It is the host clubs responsibility to provide administrative presence plus a starter person to ensure the event is managed and controlled on the day, this includes CDH submissions for handicap updates and notification of results and tour fee submissions to ELGA.
In the unlikely event that an ELGA presence is not available on the day then all results must be forwarded to ELGA asap after the event along with the Tour Fees.
Results to ELGA must include the Player Name, Gender, Home Club, Gross - H/Cap & Nett Scores,
together with the SSS for both Red & White Blocks.           ( Contact M Taylor - elga J/O)

Whilst ELGA will submit all Tour Dates to all clubs within ELGA and beyond it is important that the host club issues / promotes their own open themselves. - Posters - Advertising etc. etc.

Juniors have the reputation of leaving everything until the last minute so the more promoting/ advertising etc will generate more interest.

Only the first 15 Registered clubs will be accepted for Tour Registration.

Tour  subscriptions have been increased to £2.0 per player entry per junior open,
The number of entries per Open will also set the Bonus Entry & Venue points awarded to each player who enters the competition.
All Tour receipts will be used for Prizes etc .for the CHALLENGE TOUR and presented to winning players at the year end E.L.G.A. Junior prize presentation night.

Please note that once a club has registered on the Tour , the host club is requested not to cancel the event for whatever reason before 7 days prior to the scheduled date.- E.L.G.A will then notify all member clubs respectfully.

NOTE - E.L.G.A. normally will provide a presence throughout your day to assist in the competition administration and provide photographic coverage that will be used on the E.L.G.A. web Site.
E.L.G.A organisers will calculate and append the respective merit tables and publish all updates a.s.a.p after each event.

JUNIOR CLUB PLAYERS who participate in the Tour need to be informed of their status on Tour, so we ask all clubs to display the issued ACCUMULATION TABLES on their Junior Notice boards.( Especially the Top 20 Listings). Together with notification that all results can be found on the ELGA Web Site.

Participants must be under 18 years of age on the 1st January of the current year and be members of a bonified Golf Club with an active handicap.
Non E.L.G.A Juniors are welcome and compete for the same prizes.

Challenge Tour Competitions (within the host clubs junior open) must allow junior entries to all players who wish to participate in the CHALLENGE TOUR EVENT within the allocated Tee Times, however  with a Max Handicap of 36 for both Girls & Boys.
All girls will play from the RED BLOCKS together with boys of handicaps greater than 28.
Boys less than 29 handicap will play from the WHITE BLOCKS.
Girls will receive extra shots by the difference in the Red / White SSS.
( This applies to the hosts Open & the Tour Tables)

Players having a handicap greater than 36 who may wish to play the 18 Hole Tour Competition must not be excused as they may be also competing for the accumulated ratings.
We recommend that these players are assigned Tee times towards the end of proceedings as they tend to be slower in play.
Again we remind everyone that the Tour was introduced to Promote Junior Golf in East Lancashire.

On completion of the final round players will be placed in the merit table that offers them the best position ( Gross or Nett Merit Tables) and removed from the one that depicts the lowest position, thus elevating other players in the various tables.

PRIZES are awarded to the TOP 5 Gross & NETT positions only. - Returnable Trophies for 1st & 2nd Gross & Nett.

The ELGA PRIZE PRESENTATION NIGHT will be listed in the Junior Fixtures that follows the final round.

Following each event ELGA will publish the Tour Merit Tables and Update the Tour Accumulation Reports.
The reports will be EMailed to all ELGA Clubs so that junior notices can be updated along with visual display on this web site.

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