Website Updates - East Lancashire Golf Association

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Website Updates

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2/11/23 ELGA 2024 Junior Open added                                22/12/2023 - 2023 Files archived to 2 Year History

22/12/2023 - 2023 Files archived to 2 Year History           24/12/2023 - 2024 Website Preparation/Format

27/12/2023 - Challenge Tour info archived in history          3/1/2024 - Scratch venue updated ( Towneley G.C.)  

4/1/2024  - Senior Section Header created                            11/1/2024 - Two Senior events added - Clitheroe Home games

17/1/2024 - Seniors-Cumbria Away @ Grange Over Sands.            22/1/2024 - Bolton home date amended

5/2/2024 - Seniors - Bolton Away added                                 29/3/2024 Adult Team Match @ Burnley added

29/4/2024 - Scratch Team Match v Bolton @ Burnley - Results.  --- Harold Ryden Qual.@ Accrington ,Sat 15th June

21/6/2024 - H Ryden Re Scheduled to Sunday 28th July.

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