East Lancashire Golf Association

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2015 Challenge Tour Registrations

ELGA JUNIORS > Junior News & Notices


( Clubs must register their willingness to participate by :- Sat.28th March 2015)

Club registrations with ELGA for inclusion in the Challenge Tour will be based on a first come / first served basis whereby the first registered date for a junior open within the tour will be the only one accepted for the Tour.
Obviously this will not stop clubs from holding a junior open on the same day but could well effect your entry levels due to tour enthusiasm.
With the general congestion of events played in the summer holiday period ,any club who could stage an event outside of this period would be appreciated, ( Possible weekend )

Tour  subscriptions are set at £1.0 per player entry per junior open,
The number of entries per Open will also set the Bonus Entry & Venue points awarded to each player who enters the competition.
All receipts will be used for Prizes etc .for the CHALLENGE TOUR and presented to winning players at the year end E.L.G.A. Junior prize presentation night.

Please note that once a club has registered on the Tour , the host club is requested not to cancel the event for whatever reason before 7 days prior to the scheduled date.- E.L.G.A will then notify all member clubs respectfully.

NOTE - E.L.G.A. normally will provide a presence throughout your day to assist in the competition administration and provide photographic coverage that will be used on the E.L.G.A. web Site.
E.L.G.A organisers will calculate and append the respective merit tables and publish all updates a.s.a.p after each event.

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